Press Release – Swiss Geo Energy successfully completes its geophysical campaign in the Eclépens region

PAYERNE, October 12, 2023 – Swiss Geo Energy is proud to announce the successful completion of the geophysical campaign for the project GeoCogen Eclépens, which concluded on October 6. These field operations mobilised significant resources and technical expertise to gather essential data for the project’s success aimed at producing electricity and geothermal heat.

Campaign key figures:

  • A volume of 500 km3, which corresponds to the three-dimensional image of the subsurface acquired during the campaign (equivalent to over five times the volume of Lake Geneva).
  • Approximately 100 Terabytes of recorded data, which demonstrates the precision of the upcoming underground image.
  • 104 km² surface covered.
  • 32 involved municipalities in the Jura-Nord, Morges, and Gros-de-Vaud districts,
  • 70 deployed professionals in the field, ensuring smooth operations.
  • 11 nights of actual work, minimising disturbances for residents.
  • 4 vibrating trucks generated acoustic waves.
  • Over 13 000 vibrated points.
  • Over 21 000 installed geophones in the region to record waves reflected by different geological layers.

“We are delighted with the progress of operations during this geophysical campaign and the preliminary results. The next step, which will last about a year, will involve analysing the collected data to create a detailed three-dimensional map of the area’s geology. This will help us confirm the geothermal potential of the region. We want to thank the canton of Vaud, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, the local authorities, agricultural landowners, and residents for their cooperation and understanding throughout this geophysical campaign,” states Eric Léoutre, Chief Operating Officer at Swiss Geo Energy. “We are currently retrieving the geophones. Please remember not to touch or move them to preserve their integrity and recorded data.”


About Swiss Geo Energy:
Swiss Geo Energy SA specialises in the exploration, storage, and valorisation of renewable underground resources in Switzerland and Europe. Swiss Geo Energy is a subsidiary of Ad Terra Energy, a Swiss consulting company specialising in geosciences and engineering.


Contact presse :
Geoffroy Cazenave
Communications Manager

+41 26 558 48 98

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